Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Please post comments

For those that don't know how to send messages to Sarah. Please select the comment button at the end of a posted message and write a note of ecouragement to Sarah. Thanks.


  1. Hi Sarah,

    I have added the feature to your blog to have comments sent to your email. So let me know if it is working. I have not been able to figure out how the calling service works yet since I have been gone most every night with Pathfinders and working on my parents house. I am not taking lessons with Debbie's teacher since she does not teach fiddle (but she sent me a DVD to learn). I am learening on my own for now. I may try a lesson with Jared's piano teacher since she teaches violen.
    Keep loving the Tchadians and help where you can. Love, Dad

  2. Hey Bodarah, Sorry this is my first comment, but I lost your blogspot address and then had the bright idea that it might be on your myspace! (Too bad I don't have the excuse that I'm in Africa!)
    Anyway, Wow it sounds like you've had quite the adventure since you've been there. I just want you to know that I love you so much and that I'm praying for you. Remember that not everything you have/will go through is fun, but that God has a plan for you, and for those of us who are still in the US, may we get a little insight, and be able to step out of our ignorance as well. Your amazing! I know you are a blessing to the people there everday!

